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Principle of Microeconomics_Unit 1 Discussion Board 2 (1)

Principle of Microeconomics_Unit 1 Discussion Board 2 (1)

Q Health economists use demand and supply theory to discuss the “Health Insurance Exchange” created by the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Mandated by law everyone now must have health insurance. Discuss the following: How would the law affect the demand for health insurance? Why? How would the law affect the average price of health insurance? Why? How would the law affect the supply for health insurance? Why? How would the law affect the demand for health insurance? Why?How would the law affect the average price of health insurance? Why?How would the law affect the supply for health insurance? Why?

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The topic is the theory of supply and demand used by health economists in order for Exchange of Health Insurance to be discussed that the Act of Affordable Care (Obamacare) created. It is required for everyone to possess a health insurance. The Obamacare or exchanges can be regarded as ways to give online marketplaces to the Americans for health insurance that are affordable. The state provides the coverage from the providers of private healthcare competing for consumers. Comparisons can be viewed of health plans consisting of benefits and price to know the right policy for a person and family of his.